The Martial Unity - Ch. 727
In the past three months, all of the other contracts signed between the G’ak’arkan Tribe and the Martial Union had begun. The Longranger Martial Artists had begun training more than a dozen G’ak’arkan Martial Squires, helping them learn their techniques.
As expected, the language barrier slowed down both sides, however, considering both sides understood that they stood to benefit a lot as long as it worked out, they put their patience to the test as they worked through the slow communicative process of translations.
Things had settled down in the settlement of the Martial Union as its primary purpose had already been achieved, now it only needed to function and be protected until they got what they wanted and left the island.
Rui had more or less forgotten about his role as the manager and leader of the settlement. It no longer needed him, as the administrative work that needed to be completed was delegated to qualified personnel who were capable of handling the workload.
He secluded himself in one of the larger long-range open training facilities.
(‘Alright,’) He thought to himself meditating. (‘New project. Project goal? To create a technique that increases my long-range offensive power limit significantly via the help of constructive superposition through sonic projectiles of different speeds.’)
This was easier said than done. The classical wave theory, while simpler than the quantum wave theory, was not a particularly easy thing to apply in combat.
(‘I don’t think it will be more difficult than the ODA system,’) Rui noted. (‘But it certainly will require an immense amount of mastery. I first need to begin by establishing the conditions needed to ensure constructive resonance occurs between, say, two sonic projectiles of different speeds.’)
The constructive resonance between two waves occurred when the crests and troughs of two waves occupying the same points in space at any given time, were overlapping. The two waves would merge and form into a single stronger wave with crests and troughs much greater than the two constituent waves.
(‘Essentially, I need to ensure that the two waves are always in phase.’) Rui noted. (‘They need to have the same frequency, and their initial angular phase difference must be a whole number factor of pi, also…’)
Essentially, Rui was simply establishing the conditional equations that needed to be fulfilled for two waves of different speeds moving in the same direction to superimpose constructively.
Waves like sound waves were generally described by simple harmonic equations where the ‘height’ of crests and troughs were defined by sinusoidal functions. He needed to only equalize the simple harmonic wave equations of all the sound projectiles and he would gain the conditions that needed to be fulfilled for the two waves to be in phase.
If he could do that, that was most of the work.
He would gain the launch conditions for each of the sound projectiles and then he could simply use a standardized timing every time. Once he figured out how constructive superimpose a single time, he simply needed to memorize that particular timing and placement and it would work every time.
This was one of the convenient aspects of this hypothetical technique. Unlike the ODA system, this technique would be more static. With the ODA system, every Pathfinder shot was unique and needed the ODA system to be run every single time. With the technique of this project, he just needed to find the launch conditions for constructive superposition once, and he could simply memorize it and would never have to calculate it ever again.
(‘The mental burden is much less than the ODA system in that regard. Every time I use it would be the same as every other time, whereas no two ODA system outputs are the same. Every situation is unique, and it needs to be executed every single time I use the Pathfinder.’)
This was good because he was seriously starting to reach his limits with mental processing systems, for now. He already needed to use the VOID algorithm and the ODA system. If he needed to use a third system every time he used this technique, his mind would explode with the sheer amount of calculations, Mind Palace or not.
(‘Find the launch conditions to create two sound projectiles in phase with each other, and then memorize those launch conditions and burn them into my blood, because I never have to use other launch conditions again’) Rui nodded as he came up with the plan for the new project.
(‘What should this project be called…?’) He wondered as he gave it a few seconds of thought. (Project Wavestack… Good enough.’)
With that trivial issue out of the way, he began delving into it immediately.
The math was not difficult. Constructive superposition in simple harmonic waves was a topic that was taught in high school and college. The challenging part was fulfilling the conditions.
The frequency needed to be similar, ideally identical, otherwise the constructive resonance grew increasingly inefficient mechanically and would result in the loss of a lot of energy.
(‘Which means I need to be wary of the ‘pitch’ of my Mighty Roar Flash Blast projectiles and of my Sonic Bullet projectiles. I need to ensure the pitch of my voice is the same in both cases, I cannot have them be different.’) Rui scratched his head.
He had never been a good singer, due to his asthma, but even taking that into account he was quite bad. He was nearly tone-deaf, thus learning to match the pitches of the techniques that were quite different and were executed differently was going to be very difficult.
Furthermore, the frequency of both those attacks was deep in the ultrasonic range due to the high energy density of the projectile, thus he couldn’t even hear whether the frequencies were the same. His hearing range had improved far beyond that of a normal human when he obtained his Martial body, but still, it was not enough for such powerful techniques.
(‘This is going to be brutal.’)