The Primordial Record - Ch. 471
Nine angels rotated on a stretch of space thirteen billion miles outside the closest seeded world, guarding against any intrusion into this area of the galaxy.
The world Rowan had seeded was glowing like little stars and the only reason their presence was not shining forth and painting the entire galaxy with their light was the deep clouds covering their surface.
Although the thunderous rumble emerging from the planets could not be disguised and could be heard even in space.
Since this was the fringes of the Cerulean Galaxy, there was not much interplanetary travel within this level of space because the power levels of these worlds were very low, and the chance that the news of what happened in these worlds escaping to the outside was slim, but it was not improbable.
If there was ever a chance that such an event would occur then Rowan wanted to be ahead of it as much as possible. The battle against Dao Ma happened a month ago, and from all indications coming from Rowan’s Knowledge Well, the first of the Archangels would soon be born, and the next big push would be happening as more worlds would be assimilated and gods slaughtered.
The Angels could watch over this stretch of space perpetually, but because of the need to always touch the walls of Sheol to increase the rate of their growth, each Angel had to rest for a while before resuming their various duties.
This act of watching over this stretch of space was used by the Angels as a strategy to relax and heal. Using this method their efficiency was placed at maximum.
The Angel that was standing watch was nameless, but it had the potential of becoming an Archangel. She was standing with her hands folded on her chest, and the great eye on her chest was closed, with the light from her wings being put out, making her wings resemble carvings made from glass.
In this appearance, she was quietly healing her trauma and watching over the Creator’s domain and her presence had been reduced until she was akin to a rock floating in space.
Over the previous weeks, a grand formation was created by the Lady of Shadow to act as eyes over billions of miles of space. This reduced the need for the Angels to use Astral Projection or to move around, they just needed to stay in a central location, and from there, they could oversee the entire area for billions of miles.
Nine Angels were now used to cover the entire area where they would have needed to employ a thousand before. The advantages that could be gained from the Formations of Eva could not be underestimated. Rowan had already assigned a single consciousness pillar to begin learning the art of Formations from her.
The Angel who resembled a statue made from gold and glass twitched, and a great eye opened in her chest, through the Formation she had detected a ship heading towards this region of space.
She recorded her observation and sent a report down to the lady of shadow, stepping on empty space and pushing against it she shot into the darkness of space. Her wings did not flare out with flames as she cut through the dark with stealth.
The other eight Angels began to quietly gather towards the approaching ship, none would be allowed to interfere.
“I am telling you, Sir Reynold, this is the best bet. Sure we would spend a lot of time digging through dozens of planets, but the name of the game here is quantity Sir Reynold, quantity! The quality is shit, I can assure you of that, not what we are used to digging for, but the quantity is to die for! I know all the right spots, as I can smell them from space, you will not be disappointed. I promise you. There is a potential booty here that has been left for too long to waste and we are the only one who is here.”
A rat-like man was nervously speaking to a figure that was clad head to toe in black armor, strapped to his back was a great black sword.
The rat-like man was rubbing his hands together and was sweating profusely, his eyes darting around, he was clearly trying to convince the armored figure of his plan.
Finally, the head of the armored figure turned to the distraught man, “This is your last chance to impress me, worm, remember the life of your entire clan lies in my palm. The services you have been rendering recently have been, should I say, less than satisfactory and I find it harder and harder with each passing moment to justify keeping your clan alive. I can find a thousand Seekers such as you as easily as snapping my finger. Your forebears were much better at this task and your ineptitude shames them. Fail me again and you shall die along with your clan.”
Sweating more profusely, the rat-like man stammered, “Yes, yes… it’s within your right Sir Reynold, but I have been building on this scent for decades and I know without any doubt, there is no one who would capture the essence of this metal more than me. I shall not fail you.”
Sir Reynold snorted and looked away, his eyes hidden behind his helmet, focusing on the large viewing port ahead. They were on the SG–Harridon. A Commercial Class Space Hauler that had been retrofitted to serve as a mining station.
Sir Reynold was on an elevated platform, looking at the dozen or so crew moving about the deck of the control room as they steered the ship through space, avoiding the rogue meteorites and dozens of other dangers on trips like this.
The ship was thirteen miles long and housed a crew of two thousand, their captain Sir Reynold was a Leopard Beastman who was a known raider and a powerful Earth god.
The SG–Harridon usually did not frequent such desolate areas of the galaxy to hunt for precious metals, but for the last three years, their luck had been abysmal. Recent competition with better ships and crews had pushed them away from choice mining sites in the galaxy.